The authors question whether it is necessary to shrink-wrap a cucumber, “a wrapped cucumber lasts more than three times as long as an unwrapped one”, the book also explores the use and abuse of packaging and asks whether its label as villain is wholly justified.

Suggested by Edgar González, Academic Director – Bachelor in Design

The most recent book by two of this year’s Economics Nobel Prize Laureates, who’s experiment-based approach in their work has transformed development economics.

Stephanie Lackner, Professor in Economics

Good Economics. Bad Economics. Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems
Editor: Penguin Books
Autores: Abhijit Banerjee y Esther Duflo
23.5 €
SAVING 0.66 €
My recommendation would be almost a classical by now, an old little book but still full of significance and good ideas. I discover this book, per recommendation by a Professor, when I was a graduate student, and it is pure delight, much commendable indeed

Carlos García Suárez, Professor in Business Ethics, Sustainability and Governance

A recent book that uses acid rain, ozone depletion, and sea level rise as examples to explain the scientific process that informs decision making in environmental policy. It illustrates the benefits and pitfalls of the scientific assessment process.

Stephanie Lackner, Professor in Economics

Discerning Experts: The Practices of Scientific Assessment for Environmental Policy
Editor: University of Chicago Press
Autores: Oppenheimer, Michael, Oreskes, Naomi, Jamieson, Dale, Brysse, Keynyn, O'Reilly, Jessica, Shindell, Matthew y Wazeck, Milena
42.13 €
It is time for action so 100 techniques and practices described here that pull carbon out of the air. The solutions exist, are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are currently enacting them with skill and determination.

Manuel Quirós, Professor in Sustainability

This book provides a detailed, global examination of energy transitions and an explanation of why efforts to limit global warming and to shift away from fossil fuels have been gradual.

Suggested by Grace Obado, Professor of International Relations and Sustainable Development

In this book, Calestous Juma identifies the tension between the need for innovation and the pressure to maintain continuity, social order, and stability as one of today's biggest policy challenges.

Suggested by Grace Obado, Professor of International Relations and Sustainable Development

Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies
30.7 €
The author provides a broad and engaging overview of the urban systems of the twenty-first century, surveying policies and projects already under way in cities around the world and pointing to more ways progress can be made. Because living sustainably is not just about preserving the wilderness or keeping nature pristine. The transition to a green economy depends on cities.

Suggested by Gildo Seisdedos, Professor of Marketing Specialized in Cities and Development

The Sustainable City
Editor: Columbia University Press
Autores: Cohen, Steven
29.55 €
In The Happiness Hypothesis, psychologist Jonathan Haidt exposes traditional wisdom to the scrutiny of modern science, delivering startling insights. We learn that virtue is often not its own reward, why extroverts really are happier than introverts, and why conscious thought is not as important as we might like to think...

Drawing on the rich inspiration of both philosophy and science, The Happiness Hypothesis is a remarkable, original and provocative book - ancient wisdom in our time.

Suggested by Concepción Galdón, Social Innovation Director

If you think the world is coming to an end, think again: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science.
With intellectual depth and literary flair, Enlightenment Now makes the case for reason, science, and humanism: the ideals we need to confront our problems and continue our progress.

Suggested by Concepción Galdón, Social Innovation Director

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Editor: Penguin Publishing Group
Autores: Pinker, Steven
18.9 €
In Invisible Cities Marco Polo conjures up cities of magical times for his host, the Chinese ruler Kublai Khan, but gradually it becomes clear that he is actually describing one city: Venice. As Gore Vidal wrote 'Of all tasks, describing the contents of a book is the most difficult and in the case of a marvellous invention like Invisible Cities, perfectly irrelevant.'

Suggested by Cristina Mateo, Associate Dean School of Architecture

Invisible Cities: Italo Calvino
Editor: Vintage Classics
Autores: Calvino, Italo
14.27 €
SAVING 3.49 €


No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference: Greta Thunberg
Editor: Penguin Books Ltd
Autores: Thunberg, Greta
13.18 €
How To Give Up Plastic: Simple steps to living consciously on our blue planet
9.75 €
SAVING 3.94 €
We Are The Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast
Editor: Penguin Books
Autores: Safran Foer, Jonathan
24.81 €
Ecología oscura: Sobre la coexistencia futura (Contextos)
Editor: Planeta
Autores: Morton, Timothy
20 €
Deja el plástico: Guía práctica para cambiar el mundo: 1 (ATALAYA)
18.9 €
SAVING 0.95 €

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