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C-Centricity Monitor 2021: The Pulse of Customer Centricity in Leading European Companies




Tecla Keller, Reinhard Kreth, María Alvarado & María Eizaguirre

Center for C-Centricity

The IE C-Centricity Monitor is an initiative to advance and leverage knowledge in the field of C-Centricity, meaning Customer, Consumer, and Citizen Centricity. It is based on a quantitative survey of a wide range of international and multi-sectorial companies, supplemented by in-depth interviews.

The IE C-Centricity Monitor generates and shares a unique and objective vision of the state of C-Centricity in the business world – its implementation profile, the challenges it faces, and its evolution over time – through systematic measurement. The study leverages our comprehensive, cross-functional understanding of C-Centricity, based on the IE C-Centricity Net, and our academic research on the C-Centricity Model, which it also fuels with relevant empirical data.

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